It’s well-known that workplaces prioritizing diversity and inclusion tend to have higher job satisfaction rates among employees, thus driving performance as well as greater creativity and innovation. That being said, many hiring professionals struggle when it comes to actually creating a diverse workplace in which their talent can thrive. To attract the diverse talent you’re...Read More
Curated Intel from the Talent Tech IndustryJune 17-23, 2024:• Configuring a more complete solution: TA tech platform Bullhorn acquires Textkernel;• Proclaiming the end of days: Shelly Palmer says AI is already killing web publishers;• Looking for the money: Aerotek survey finds Job seekers focused on pay, job security;• Reflecting a lack of interest: Tech Talent...Read More
By Peter Weddle, Founder & CEO TAtechWe live in an unpredictable time. Neither respected business models nor our own work experience offer a clear picture of where the economy is (in the North American and EMEA markets) or how it’s likely to affect our customers’ needs and practices.However, one thing is certain in such an...Read More