

Donald Trump’s Business Sought A Stake In Parler Before He Would Join

BuzzFeed News; Saul Loeb / AFP via Getty Images The Trump Organization negotiated on behalf of then-president Donald Trump to make Parler his primary social network, but it had a condition: an ownership stake in return for joining, according to documents and four people familiar with the conversations. The deal was never finalized, but legal...
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Mexican Influencers Are Getting Called Out For Promoting Abuse. Has the Country’s #MeToo Movement Finally Turned a Corner?

Nath Campos / Via A still from Nath Campos’s video, “My story of abuse” MEXICO CITY — Some of Mexico’s most popular influencers have been accused of sexual abuse in recent weeks as a wave of women revitalize a #MeToo movement that only briefly gained traction before fading away amid a backlash against those...
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Twitter Unblocked Accounts That Criticized India’s Government. Now, Its Employees Are Being Threatened With Jail Time Unless It Blocks Them Again.

India’s government has threatened to punish employees at Twitter with fines and jail terms of up to seven years for restoring hundreds of accounts it has ordered the company to block. Most accounts were critical of the country’s prime minister, Narendra Modi. On Monday, Twitter complied with the government’s order and prevented people in India...
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After Fueling A Genocide, Facebook Is Taking A Stand Against A Myanmar Coup

After failing to stem the hate speech and misinformation that fueled a genocide in Myanmar, Facebook now says it plans to take proactive content moderation steps following a military coup taking place in the country. In an internal message posted late on Monday and viewed by BuzzFeed News, Rafael Frankel, a director of public policy...
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The Defense Department Wants To Outfit Troops With Microwave Weapon Detectors

After being dismissed for decades, microwave weapons are beginning to be viewed as a serious military threat — prompting the Defense Department to issue a request to outfit US soldiers with detectors for what it called “a growing threat on the battlefield.” The weapons, some of which cause burning sensations, have already been considered for...
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