By Peter Weddle, Founder & CEO TAtech

We talk a lot about end-to-end solutions in talent technology.

Those are the products that help recruiters with every task from identifying and connecting with talent to enticing them to apply, assessing their position and culture fit, and ultimately selling them on an offer and onboarding them.

Said another way, the tools are there to help recruiters do everything they need to do to perform at their peak. But, what about their organizations?

To leverage the power of talent technology and the talent of recruiters, employers need a more comprehensive talent acquisition organization than what the vast majority have today. They need their employers to establish an end-to-end TA organization.

This alternative structure recognizes a fact that is as simple as it is profound. Corporate performance – both operational and financial – is directly correlated to the talent in their workforce.

That’s not a new idea, of course, but what is unique to this particular period of time is the behavior of top talent. They are job change resisters. They are now the largest cohort of the so-called passive population and, despite what they tell survey takers, they aren’t budging from where they are currently employed.

Job changers resisters can’t be recruited when recruiting teams are unable to perform at their peak. And, unfortunately, that’s the case for many maybe even most teams today because they:
• Are perpetually understaffed and underfunded and the first to get cut as soon as the economy slows.
• Lack the resources and/or the priority to design and implement effective recruitment marketing programs.
• Must outsource technology onboarding and integration to IT departments, where projects fail half the time.
• Get treated as subsidiary activities, forcing them to compete with a parent organization – the HR Department – for priority, visibility, and support.

The TAtech Leadership Summit on Recruitment Marketing is designed for HR/TA leaders and senior professionals at enterprise employers and their counterparts among TA solution providers. To be held at the newly renovated Le Méridien Tampa, The Courthouse, the conference opens with a welcome reception on the evening of February 26 and then runs all day February 27. The agenda is still in development, but the focus will be on showcasing the latest technology and most innovative practices for moving to full-funnel recruitment marketing. Seating is limited at the conference venue, so register today to make sure you have a spot.

Transforming Resisters into New Hires

Only an end-to-end TA organization can correct these performance degraders and give recruiters the priority, resources and sustained support they need to transform job change resistors into new hires. This organization is separate from the HR Department and has equal internal stature with the Sales Department. It isn’t viewed as an overhead function, but rather as a mission critical operation.

In addition, an end-to-end TA organization is truly that. It is able to perform all of the roles required to effectively recruit resistant talent. It is led by a Chief Talent Acquisition Officer and staffed with:
• Sourcing experts
• Branding experts
• Technology acquisition & implementation experts (not HRIS experts)
• Recruiting experts
• Data & analytics experts

I know, I know. Such an organizational reset is total heresy to the “do more with less” crowd. CFOs, however, have already lost one battle. The Board level recognition of the importance of talent in organizational success has forced them to acquiesce in the funding of a similarly endowed HR Department for the management of the company’s human resources. All an end-to-end TA organization does is recognize an ancillary truth: you can’t manage the human resources you don’t have … and a comprehensive TA Department is the only way to get them.

Food for Thought,

Peter Weddle has authored or edited over two dozen books and been a columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He is the founder and CEO of TAtech: The Association for Talent Acquisition Solutions.


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