TAtech Members are leaders in their industry. In acknowledgement of that role, they have developed and agreed to abide by the following Code of Ethics. It is the only such set of standards in the global talent acquisition industry.
We will maintain a privacy policy that is open and transparent. We will adhere to generally accepted principles for the use of information acquired online, to include the full disclosure of what personal information is collected and how it is used and/or released to others.
For example, Members will carefully protect hosted individual passwords and clearly indicate the use of all individual contact information.
We will operate with respect for our customers and deliver our products and services as promised. In addition, we will compete fairly in the marketplace and not slander our competitors.
For example, Members will provide easy-to-find and up-to-date contact information on their sites for both employers and job seekers.
We will not engage in deceitful or deceptive business practices. We will deliver our products and services as they are represented in our sales and marketing materials and provide accurate data on their performance and our operations.
For example, Members will make every effort to ensure that all job postings displayed on their sites are genuine employment opportunities.
We will serve the interests of all of our customers: employers, recruiters and job seekers and those seeking to advance in their field. We will resolve customer issues to the best of our ability.
For example, Members will clearly state how long a resume will be archived on their sites and respect that commitment.
We acknowledge that compliance with the TAtech Code of Ethics is a condition of membership in the Association. We will adhere to the Code in all aspects of our business operations and expeditiously remediate any areas of noncompliance.
To signify their commitment to these standards, TA-Tech members post the Association’s Member Seal on their sites, product and services, and customer literature.