Robin Schooling

Humanizer of HR, story architect and fierce advocate of the workplace revolution; embracing the Future of Work.

Writer/Contributor at:, Recruiting Daily, SHRM, HR Examiner, and other sites; byline article written for Fast Company. Curator and Ringleader at the Carnival of HR blog site, HROS Open Source Board of Director’s co-chair, and co-host of @DrivethruHR, the longest running continuous weekly HR radio show/podcast. Interviewed and quoted for USA Today, LinkedIn, Yahoo, Monster, HR & Talent Management, SmartBrief on Leadership, HRM America and Baton Rouge Business Report.

Representative speaking engagements/audiences: RecFest19 (London); Human Capital Institute; UNLEASH; HR Innovation and Tech Fest (Sydney); HR Tech Conference; WorkHuman; HRO Today; Talent Management Alliance; ERE; TLNT;SHRM Annual Conference and Exposition; PMI Baton Rouge Chapter; #disruptHR (Cleveland and New Orleans); #DiceTru Atlanta; various SHRM state conferences (Ohio, Florida, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Indiana) GSMI’s HR & Employer Compliance Summit


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