By Alexander Chukovski, CEO

Is your job board not getting enough organic traffic? It could be due to using an in-house platform.

Migrating to a specialized job board SaaS can significantly improve your organic traffic.

Why? Let’s dig in.

First, let me start by saying that this post is not applicable to select cases like Indeed and ZipRecruiter, which have built their job boards from scratch. If you know what you are doing, having a custom platform is a strategic advantage. These companies have dedicated teams handling SEO, front-end and product development, which is rarely true for most job boards and aggregators.

My migration comment above mainly targets solopreneurs, small and mid-size job boards and aggregators, and significant job boards that have been around for a long time but don’t have a dedicated SEO team.

In my experience, the most common problem on homegrown platforms is that they fail to deliver the most basic technical SEO requirements for job boards. This is usually a result of a combination of some or all of these factors:

  • Meta title and description
  • Canonical URLs
  • Search page structure
  • Job Ad page structure
  • Structured data
  • Internal links
  • Sitemaps
  • Page Speed
  • Google jobs Schema
  • False setup of the Indexing API usage or utilizing it only some.
  • Expired jobs flow

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Nothing is wrong with this situation – it is hard to be on top of all these topics when running a business, especially if you have a small dev team or work with an external agency.

In-house platforms maintained by external agencies are problematic because external devs rarely follow SEO and Google Jobs changes. In most cases, they are reactive and wait for your requirements rather than proactively introducing changes.

WordPress job board themes can be slightly better because they usually handle most basics properly, but using job posting schema, indexing API, internal links, and page speed typically rely on external plugins. Once the owner stops updating these plugins, you’re in trouble.

On top of that, you will be missing some cool features that nowadays come out-of-the-box on most job board SAAS products:

  • Auto-tagging of jobs during import
  • Creating and maintaining complex taxonomies and creating SEO-optimized search pages
  • Analytics and Reporting
  • Custom email flows
  • Automated invoicing
  • Continuous product development focuses on job board SEO optimization.

Specifically, the last point is critical. SEO is the bread and butter of job boards, and most job board software providers spend significant resources on following the latest trends and updating their software.

Bottom-line: To increase your organic traffic and thus your prospects for success, consider taking your site to the cloud.

Meet Alexander and get his new book ChatGPT Undressed & Unadorned: The Truth About ChatGPT in Talent Acquisition at TAtech Europe & The EMEA Job Board Forum on December 4-6 in London.


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