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Very few things in modern culture have been left untouched by technology. Moreover, the most important technology of our day is digital technology. It has made the world a much smaller place. It has definitely impacted the healthcare job market in the last decade or so.
The interesting thing about technology is that it seems to accelerate as it evolves. The more evolution takes place, the faster the acceleration is. We can see that in technologies like deep learning and artificial intelligence (AI). Needless to say, while healthcare jobs haven’t changed dramatically in recent years, the technology involved in finding them has.
Below are four ways technology is currently impacting the healthcare job market:
- SEO Now Plays a Vital Role
Search engine optimization (SEO) has powered the modern internet for more than a decade. In recent years, it has made its way into the healthcare job market by way of online job boards like ours. In a nutshell, both job board websites and employers are utilizing common SEO techniques to get attention.
For example, employers are learning how to post jobs using specific keywords known to get attention in onsite searches. Those with some extra knowledge know how to write job descriptions that also get results on the major search engines. The result is that job postings now have to be more keyword-rich than ever before. Keyword-rich resumes also enjoy some of the same benefits.
- AI Powered Systems
It has been estimated that healthcare employers receive hundreds of applications for every one job they have available. There just are not enough people in the HR department to physically review every resume that comes in. So, what is the solution? AI-powered applicant tracking systems (ATS).
And ATS with built-in AI can read applications and resumes, analyzing the data found in them and ranking them accordingly. Ranking allows HR managers to concentrate only on those candidates with the strongest resumes. AI-enabled ATS cuts down on a lot of the legwork of days gone by. It also funnels applications and resumes into the most suitable areas so that HR managers always have the best choices to work with.
- Global Reach
Because digital technologies are now available worldwide, job boards and employers enjoy global reach. They can post jobs here in the U.S. and know that applicants from Central and South America, Asia, and Europe will have access to them. That global reach opens the door to a larger pool of candidates for every open job.
It does not necessarily mean employers will fill jobs more quickly. But it does mean more candidates to choose from. That is important for those healthcare jobs that require greater specialization. A larger pool just means more people to potentially hire.
- More Specific Job Searches
The last technology tool benefits job seekers rather than employers and job boards. What is this tool? The ability to customize job searches in order to create very specific results. Thanks to search technology, job seekers can look for opportunities by geography, specialty, pay scale, and other criteria. Some job boards even allow custom searches based on particular keywords.
This saves job seekers a lot of time and effort. Rather than having to pore over thousands of job openings, they can narrow their searches to only those jobs that pertain to their needs.
Gone are the days when finding healthcare jobs was a matter of reading newspaper classifieds and sending resumes through the mail. Technology has improved both posting and searching to never before seen levels of efficiency. That is good for everyone involved.