What Do Recruiters Do Best and Does Technology Really Enable Them to Do It?
In this episode of Start Smart, the TAtech podcast that focuses on maximizing the ROI you derive from technology by beginning with its effective implementation, Peter’s guest is Oliver Feakins, Founder & CEO of TrackFive, a company that manages job boards in healthcare, transportation and other fields.
The acquisition of new technology is often justified by the assumption that “it will free recruiters up to do what they do best.” Oliver and I discuss just what skills that activity encompasses – in recruiters performing at their peak – and the thorny question of whether they’re prepared to take on that role. After all, if recruiters have been unable, at least to date, to use those skills, isn’t it possible – maybe even likely – that they have atrophied or worse disappeared altogether. In addition, is there any evidence that recruiters actually want to take on that activity, since doing so may change practices in which they are now competent and comfortable? It’s a fascinating exploration of change management – join us!
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