Unlike in previous economic downturns, recent surveys have found that both enterprise employers and SMBs planned to continue their investment in talent technology.
• Some will increase their spending – on an average of 21% according to Sapient Insights – while others will hold steady to their current pace.
• Only 8% plan to decrease their spending.

To ensure the success of their plans, employers must be able to connect with solution providers that meet two criteria:
• They must have state-of-the-art products with capabilities that match employers’ needs; and
• They must be committed to ethical business practices that recruiters can trust.

Where can you find such providers?

Only in the FREE TAtech Talent Technology Buyer’s Guide!

Every organization in the Guide is a Member of TAtech: The Association for Talent Acquisition Solutions. That means they offer extraordinarily capable talent acquisition products AND a unique commitment. They have affirmed their allegiance to a public set of professional standards – the TAtech Code of Ethics.

So, if your organization is considering a new talent technology product, look for the organizations you can count on. You’ll find them listed in the FREE TAtech Talent Technology Buyer’s Guide.


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