Episode 3 of Start Smart, the podcast that focuses on the facts in talent acquisition, with Shelia Gray, VP of Global Talent Acquisition at Quadient, and TAtech CEO Peter Weddle. Recorded on May 12, 2022.

In this episode, we dissect some key insights from Aptitude Research’s report ‘The Power of AI in Talent Acquisition’. The research found that 63% of companies are investing or planning to invest in AI solutions in 2022 (up from 42% in 2020). However, AI is still misunderstood and TA buyers are unclear about how to navigate the changing landscape. There are some very topical themes in this study, including the importance of ethics and how to keep humanity in the application of AI to talent acquisition.

Join us as we discuss some key findings from this report, including what’s behind the lack of trust in AI solution providers and how to be a smart consumer of the technology. We also look into the difference between AI and automation, the key role historical data plays in developing AI solutions, and the importance of data security and regular reviews of both input and output data as a solution is used.

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