Each TAtech Leadership Summit features a world class faculty discussing important and timely talent acquisition topics. The speakers have deep expertise in their fields, and we’ve asked them all to share insights and ideas they’ve not previously presented at other conferences.
We’ve filmed many of these presentations and collected them in the brand new TAtech Expert Series. They are open to the public and free to view.
The first set of videos are from the TAtech Leadership Summit on Applications of Recruiting AI for Enterprise Employers. They include:
• Thom Kenney, Board Chair at Aliro and former CEO of Smashfly, speaking on AI for TA: Friend or Foe?
• Morgan Llewellyn, Chief Data Scientist at Jobvite, speaking on What is Ethical AI?
• Jenny Cotie-Kangas, Director at PandoLogic, speaking on AI vs. Automation: Unpacking the Difference.
We hope you’ll watch these thought-provoking presentations. And then, check back regularly! Coming up soon will be a slate of presentations from the TAtech Leadership Summit on Recruitment Marketing.