2022 Top 100 TA Thought Leaders
There are any number of programs that acknowledge the influencers in HR, but none provide adequate recognition of the innovators and trailblazers in Talent Acquisition.
TAtech’s 100 Most Influential TA Thought Leaders corrects that shortcoming. Each year, it celebrates those men and women who are truly setting the agenda for creativity and understanding in talent acquisition strategy, management and technology. (See the 2021 Selectees here.)
To ensure the most deserving individuals are recognized, the TAtech Selectees are drawn from both employers and industry. In addition, to give them the visibility and recognition they deserve, TAtech avoids a one-off announcement that shines a spotlight on the individuals for a day or two and then goes dark. Instead, TAtech releases the Top 100 in four classes, one each season. Each class celebrates both the 25 Selectees for that season as well all of the previous Selectees during the year.
TAtech is now accepting nominees for its 2022 Winter Class. To nominate yourself, a coworker or colleague, send the Nominee’s name, title, organization, email address and a justification for their selection (of no more than 250 words) to TAtech CEO Peter Weddle (peterweddle@tatech.org). Selectees will be announced in early March.