In-Person Events

Connect with investors, analysts, influencers and peer companies all at one time, all in one place

TAtech North America & The World Job Board Forum

May 22-24 in Austin

Meet Our Luncheon Keynoter

Watch a 10-minute webcast with Pete Lamson, CEO of Employ, Inc.

Free TAtech Resources

Designed to help advance your company’s success

2022 Conference Content

Watch presentations at TAtech events on Recruitment Marketing, the Candidate Experience & More

TAtech Live

Check out our virtual events

TAtech Exclusive RoundTables

Insights and information on trending topics in talent acquisition

Register for the April RoundTable, “Are today’s job seekers really all that different from those in the past?” April 25, 11 am ET, 8 am PT, 4 pm GMT

Listen to the TAtech Exclusive RoundTable on How can technology help to optimize the Recruiter’s experience?

RecAd Savvy

On the proven practices and innovations in recruitment advertising & marketing

Register for The Status of Pay Equity and Its Role In Recruiting Today with Sarah White, CEO of Aspect 43, April 19 at 1 pm ET, 10 am PT, 6 pm GMT

Listen to Recruitment Marketing in an Era of Changing Candidate Expectations with Sam Fitzroy, CEO of Dalia

The Value of TAtech Membership

It’s a fair question: why bother to join a trade association, even one that specifically supports the global talent technology industry? The answer can be summed up in a single phrase: TAtech gives TA solution providers a voice, a home and an advocate. It is devoted to advancing the bottom-line success of its Members by showcasing their products, thought leadership, and civic engagement. It works every day to support their business development and brand differentiation by championing them to employers in North America, Europe, the Middle East, South Asia and Oceania. So, if you haven’t already, join us!

About TAtech

TAtech: The Association for Talent Acquisition Solutions is the trade organization for the global talent technology industry.


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