Unlike most HR-related podcasts, TAtech’s Start Smart podcast doesn’t do interviews or commentary. Instead, it explores the facts, the latest research and findings in the field of talent acquisition and their implications for recruiters.
Join Shelia Gray, VP of Global Talent Acquisition at Quadient, and TAtech CEO Peter Weddle as they discuss trending insights and information from industry analysts, global technology companies, and leading HR/TA consultancies. They start with the data, but then move on to focus on what it means for the world of work, the talent market and the practices and processes of recruiting teams. It’s a jam-packed 30-minutes that will put you ahead of the competition in the race for top talent.
Here are just some of the recent episodes:
Talent Acquisition Technology: The Times They Are a-Changin’
Was McLuhan Right: Is Medium the Message in Candidate Communications?
Moving to the Head of the Pack: TA Tech Outpaces HR Tech
Note to the C-Suite: Don’t Be Stupid, Learn From the Data
Recruiting Grabs a Seat at the Table Next to HR
And, come back regularly to listen to each new episode of Start Smart on TAtech.org. Or, subscribe to download each show at Spotify, Goggle and Apple podcasts.
The Start Smart podcast is sponsored by Acquire.